FOUR!! blogs which tell of the exxxcitement of Heaven: we ROTE {theeyebeam} to show a true story about sex in Heaven after we croak (apparently, most of U.S. are completely unaware of this fact). C'mon, people. The Liar's a deceiver: absolutely no sex in Hell amid the flames, yet, puh-lenty of sex Upstairs for the length and breadth of eternity. God bless you. Meet me Upstairs.
FOUR!! blogs which tell of the exxxcitement of Heaven: we ROTE {theeyebeam} to show a true story about sex in Heaven after we croak (apparently, most of U.S. are completely unaware of this fact). C'mon, people. The Liar's a deceiver: absolutely no sex in Hell amid the flames, yet, puh-lenty of sex Upstairs for the length and breadth of eternity. God bless you. Meet me Upstairs.