Movie Review - Bushwick (2017)

Directed by: Cary Murnion, Jonathan Milott

Plot: Tells the story of Lucy (Snow) and war veteran Stupe (Bautista) as they try to survive the streets of Bushwick which is being invaded by militia.

The premise of Bushwick is quite simple. It is all about survival. Instead of surviving in a vast world or country, it is survival on city blocks. It is non-stop. Once Lucy (Snow) gets off the subway and into the streets, bullets firing from all directions and running is the norm. The film is thrilling and runs mostly on movement. Given that this is a low-budget production, the action and effects are quite good.
Most of the film is set up to be one long continuous shot from coming out of the subway platform up to the final scene. And it is here that Bushwick sometimes loses my attention. As I mentioned the film runs on movement. So, we are following the actions of Lucy and Stupe as they try to get from one block to the next. But the camera movement sometimes is not angled properly. It moves and it is focused sometimes on the actors’ butts or their shoes with no significant impact on the next scene.
Cinematography was done well especially considering the urban setting. Moving from the streets to tight corners and even basements and roof tops. Camera movement on these aspects was well executed.
The film, given its simple plot, does well in character development. In the short span that we are introduced to Lucy and Stupe, we get to know where they are coming from and why they are reacting the way they did when the invasion began. The film manages to connect us with them through carefully placed and written dialogue. There development was well synced with the mayhem that is happening around them. While watching you will root for them to make it and overcome all the obstacles along the way.
Another good thing about the film is the villain. There is no one person that we can associate with as the head of the organization that is invading Bushwick. It is always represented as a collective which is a good thing for a film that focuses on the survival of two very different persons. You will only focus on the two rather than thinking of what the main villain will do next.
The plot of the film is both simple and deep. It will make you think that it could possibly happen but you will also think that everyone will fight back. Throughout the film you will see hope, strength, courage and compassion as well as fear and as a viewer, you will feel these emotions. The film made it possible to transition these emotions to the viewers.
But there are portions of the film that I feel should have been left out. There are parts that are really not that relevant but it is still overshadowed by the good parts. In all, Bushwick is gripping thriller with deep meaning. It engages you once the characters step off the beaten path. I give it 7 out of 10


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